The provincial government requires industry to have an approved tire stewardship plan according to The Tire Stewardship Regulation, 2006, and monitors TSM’s annual performance.
The TSM board of directors govern all aspects of the program. The board conducts meetings, makes decisions on program direction, and produces an annual report to demonstrate the program’s accountability to all stakeholders.
Representatives from end-of-life tire generators, collectors, processors, consumers and communities provide advice on program policy and operations.
Examples of generators are transportation companies and auto wreckers that generate end-of-life tires as part of their regular business.
Communities operate landfill or transfer station storage yards that accept end-of-life tires from consumers, new tire and vehicle retailers and generators. Communities receive TSM incentive payments to accept and appropriately store Manitoba generated end-of-life tires. This reduces the risk of fires and environmental hazards.
Collectors enter into a business relationship with processors to pick up end-of-life tires from retailers and generators for delivery to processors.
Management and administration carry out the registration of retailers, generators and processors as eligible participants in the program. They also collect steward-fees from retailers to pay financial incentives to processors for the transportation and processing of end-of-life tires. Management and Administration also oversee all other aspects of program delivery and report on performance.
Tire retailers accept end-of-life tires and remit steward-fees to TSM. New vehicle dealers remit steward-fees for each tire included with the new vehicle.
Manitoba companies process end-of-life tires for use in tire-derived products. They also sell tire-derived products to markets in Canada and internationally. They submit claims to TSM for transportation and processing incentives. Reliable Tire Recycling processes material and manufactures products in Manitoba.
Various markets purchase tire-derived products from processors for sale or resale, or for further manufacturing into new products.
Consumers purchase new tires from retailers. Most consumers leave their end-of-life tires with the retailer for disposal. In addition, they purchase and use recycled tire products.